We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

The Carpentries Blog

Publication of The Carpentries 2023 Annual Report

The Annual Report, which incorporates the Financial Report, for the 2023 year is now available.

Postponing the Hybrid CarpentryCon 2025 Event in South Africa

The Carpentries has decided to postpone CarpentryCon in 2025 until our transition to operating as an independent non-profit organisation is complete and our finances stabilised.

Proposal Submission Open for (Hybrid) AU-Aotearoa CarpentryConnect 2024.

Join the first AU-Aotearoa CarpentryConnect in May 2024. Submissions close 22 April.

Curriculum Advisors Approve Redesigned DC R Ecology Lesson

The redesigned lesson will replace the existing version in the curriculum in July.

Advancing AI Education in GLAM: Highlights from the Library Carpentry Code Sprint

Discover how a global code sprint is driving the evolution of AI education in libraries and shaping the future of the GLAM community.

Apply for 2024 Carpentries Maintainer Onboarding!

The Carpentries is preparing to onboard the next round of Maintainers. Applications due 5 April.

Lesson programs' blog posts migration

The three lesson programs' blog posts have been merged into The Carpentries blog

Changes to Software Carpentry's Lesson Program Governance Committee and their work

In response to recent changes to The Carpentries Core Team, the Software Carpentry LPGC announces changes to their workflow and governance.

Sharing the 2023 Community Survey Evaluation Report

The report summarising community members’ responses to the inaugural Carpentries community survey is out!

The Carpentries Lab: Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing

A peer-reviewed lesson, based on 2017 paper of the same name, has been added to The Carpentries Lab

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